' ''********************************************** '' choose color nro ''by keijo Koskinen 20.08,2004 locate 1,1 ?"********* COLOUR CHART BY VALUE ***********" label looppi n=0 k=inkey ''note: all values have to be negative if k="e" then r=r+1:if r>0 then r=0 ''red less if k="r" then r=r-1:if r<-255 then r=-255 ''red more if k="f" then g=g+1:if g>0 then g=0 ''green less if k="g" then g=g-1 :if g<-255 then g=-255 ''green more if k="v" then b=b+1:if b>0 then b=0 ''blue less if k="b" then b=b-1:if b<-255 then b=-255 ''blue more rect 10,20,300,100 color b+(256*g)+(256*256*r) filled locate 10,1:?"e/r=red" locate 10,11:?"f/g=green" locate 10,22:?"v/b=blue" locate 10,33:?"color =" locate 11,1 ?"0-(-256) 0-(-256) 0-(-256) 0-(16777215)" locate 12,1 ?" " locate 12,1:?r locate 12,11:?g locate 12,22:?b locate 12,33:?r+(256*g)+(256*256*b) if asc(k)<>27: goto looppi endif end'